Fine art from sketches to paintings.
Fine Art in many mediums. Paintings in Oil and Acrylic with the use of brushes and an airbrush , sketches in pencil and pastels.

Airbrush Acrylic 20x30

20X28 Oil Paint

Oil Painting 18X24

Brushed Acrylic 24x36

Watercolor 24x36
New paragraph

Veteran on Motorcycle
Airbrushed 24X30

In the Dirt

Brushed Acrylic 36x48


Airbrush 30X40

Original in Pencil
Filtered in Photoshop 18x24

Pencil 9x12

Pencil 9x12

Airbrush and charcoal 15x20

Brushed Acrylic 22x24

Brushed Acrylic 30x40


Brushed Acrylic 15x30